path: root/src/internal/malloc_impl.h
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorLines
2020-06-02move malloc_impl.h from src/internal to src/mallocRich Felker-43/+0
this reflects that it is no longer intended for consumption outside of the malloc implementation.
2020-06-02move declaration of interfaces between malloc and ldso to dynlink.hRich Felker-4/+1
this eliminates consumers of malloc_impl.h outside of the malloc implementation.
2018-09-12reduce spurious inclusion of libc.hRich Felker-1/+0
libc.h was intended to be a header for access to global libc state and related interfaces, but ended up included all over the place because it was the way to get the weak_alias macro. most of the inclusions removed here are places where weak_alias was needed. a few were recently introduced for hidden. some go all the way back to when libc.h defined CANCELPT_BEGIN and _END, and all (wrongly implemented) cancellation points had to include it. remaining spurious users are mostly callers of the LOCK/UNLOCK macros and files that use the LFS64 macro to define the awful *64 aliases. in a few places, new inclusion of libc.h is added because several internal headers no longer implicitly include libc.h. declarations for __lockfile and __unlockfile are moved from libc.h to stdio_impl.h so that the latter does not need libc.h. putting them in libc.h made no sense at all, since the macros in stdio_impl.h are needed to use them correctly anyway.
2018-09-12apply hidden visibility to various remaining internal interfacesRich Felker-3/+3
2018-09-12overhaul internally-public declarations using wrapper headersRich Felker-5/+1
commits leading up to this one have moved the vast majority of libc-internal interface declarations to appropriate internal headers, allowing them to be type-checked and setting the stage to limit their visibility. the ones that have not yet been moved are mostly namespace-protected aliases for standard/public interfaces, which exist to facilitate implementing plain C functions in terms of POSIX functionality, or C or POSIX functionality in terms of extensions that are not standardized. some don't quite fit this description, but are "internally public" interfacs between subsystems of libc. rather than create a number of newly-named headers to declare these functions, and having to add explicit include directives for them to every source file where they're needed, I have introduced a method of wrapping the corresponding public headers. parallel to the public headers in $(srcdir)/include, we now have wrappers in $(srcdir)/src/include that come earlier in the include path order. they include the public header they're wrapping, then add declarations for namespace-protected versions of the same interfaces and any "internally public" interfaces for the subsystem they correspond to. along these lines, the wrapper for features.h is now responsible for the definition of the hidden, weak, and weak_alias macros. this means source files will no longer need to include any special headers to access these features. over time, it is my expectation that the scope of what is "internally public" will expand, reducing the number of source files which need to include *_impl.h and related headers down to those which are actually implementing the corresponding subsystems, not just using them.
2018-09-12move __memalign declaration to malloc_impl.hRich Felker-0/+2
the malloc-implementation-private header is the only right place for this, because, being in the reserved namespace, __memalign is not interposable and thus not valid to use anywhere else. anything outside of the malloc implementation must call an appropriate-namespace public function (aligned_alloc or posix_memalign).
2018-09-12move declarations for malloc internals to malloc_impl.hRich Felker-0/+4
2018-09-05define and use internal macros for hidden visibility, weak refsRich Felker-4/+4
this cleans up what had become widespread direct inline use of "GNU C" style attributes directly in the source, and lowers the barrier to increased use of hidden visibility, which will be useful to recovering some of the efficiency lost when the protected visibility hack was dropped in commit dc2f368e565c37728b0d620380b849c3a1ddd78f, especially on archs where the PLT ABI is costly.
2018-04-19reintroduce hardening against partially-replaced allocatorRich Felker-0/+3
commit 618b18c78e33acfe54a4434e91aa57b8e171df89 removed the previous detection and hardening since it was incorrect. commit 72141795d4edd17f88da192447395a48444afa10 already handled all that remained for hardening the static-linked case. in the dynamic-linked case, have the dynamic linker check whether malloc was replaced and make that information available. with these changes, the properties documented in commit c9f415d7ea2dace5bf77f6518b6afc36bb7a5732 are restored: if calloc is not provided, it will behave as malloc+memset, and any of the memalign-family functions not provided will fail with ENOMEM.
2018-04-19return chunks split off by memalign using __bin_chunk instead of freeRich Felker-0/+3
this change serves multiple purposes: 1. it ensures that static linking of memalign-family functions will pull in the system malloc implementation, thereby causing link errors if an attempt is made to link the system memalign functions with a replacement malloc (incomplete allocator replacement). 2. it eliminates calls to free that are unpaired with allocations, which are confusing when setting breakpoints or tracing execution. as a bonus, making __bin_chunk external may discourage aggressive and unnecessary inlining of it.
2018-04-19move malloc implementation types and macros to an internal headerRich Felker-0/+39