path: root/arch/x32/src/syscall_cp_fixup.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorLines
2016-01-22move x32 sysinfo impl and syscall fixup code out of arch/x32/srcRich Felker-38/+0
all such arch-specific translation units are being moved to appropriate arch dirs under the main src tree.
2015-12-15remove visibility suppression by SHARED macro in mips and x32 arch filesRich Felker-4/+0
commit 8a8fdf6398b85c99dffb237e47fa577e2ddc9e77 was intended to remove all such usage, but these arch-specific files were overlooked, leading to inconsistent declarations and definitions.
2015-05-01fix dangling pointers in x32 syscall timespec fixup codeRich Felker-3/+7
the lifetime of compound literals is the block in which they appear. the temporary struct __timespec_kernel objects created as compound literals no longer existed at the time their addresses were passed to the kernel.
2015-04-14consistently use hidden visibility for cancellable syscall internalsRich Felker-0/+7
in a few places, non-hidden symbols were referenced from asm in ways that assumed ld-time binding. while these is no semantic reason these symbols need to be hidden, fixing the references without making them hidden was going to be ugly, and hidden reduces some bloat anyway. in the asm files, .global/.hidden directives have been moved to the top to unclutter the actual code.
2014-02-23fix some issues in x32 syscall_cp_fixuprofl0r-11/+8
- the nanosleep fixup "fixed" the second timespec* argument erroneusly. - the futex fixup was missing the check for FUTEX_WAIT. - general cleanup using a macro.
2014-02-23x32 port (diff against vanilla x86_64)rofl0r-0/+34