.global __cp_begin .hidden __cp_begin .global __cp_end .hidden __cp_end .global __cp_cancel .hidden __cp_cancel .hidden __cancel .global __syscall_cp_asm .hidden __syscall_cp_asm #r0: volatile. may be modified during linkage. #r1: stack frame: 16 byte alignment. #r2: tls/thread pointer on pp32 #r3,r4: return values, first args #r5-r10: args #r11-r12: volatile. may be modified during linkage #r13: "small data area" pointer #r14 - r30: local vars #r31: local or environment pointer #r1, r14-31: belong to the caller, must be saved and restored #r0, r3-r12, ctr, xer: volatile, not preserved #r0,r11,r12: may be altered by cross-module call, #"a func cannot depend on that these regs have the values placed by the caller" #the fields CR2,CR2,CR4 of the cond reg must be preserved #LR (link reg) shall contain the funcs return address .text .type __syscall_cp_asm,%function __syscall_cp_asm: # at enter: r3 = pointer to self->cancel, r4: syscall no, r5: first arg, r6: 2nd, r7: 3rd, r8: 4th, r9: 5th, r10: 6th __cp_begin: # r3 holds first argument, its a pointer to self->cancel. # we must compare the dereferenced value with 0 and jump to __cancel if its not lwz 0, 0(3) #deref pointer into r0 cmpwi cr7, 0, 0 #compare r0 with 0, store result in cr7. beq+ cr7, 1f #jump to label 1 if r0 was 0 b __cancel #else call cancel 1: #ok, the cancel flag was not set # syscall: number goes to r0, the rest 3-8 mr 0, 4 # put the system call number into r0 mr 3, 5 # Shift the arguments: arg1 mr 4, 6 # arg2 mr 5, 7 # arg3 mr 6, 8 # arg4 mr 7, 9 # arg5 mr 8, 10 # arg6 sc __cp_end: bnslr+ # return if no summary overflow. #else negate result. neg 3, 3 blr