.global sigsetjmp .global __sigsetjmp .type sigsetjmp,%function .type __sigsetjmp,%function sigsetjmp: __sigsetjmp: #int sigsetjmp(sigjmp_buf buf, int save) # r3 r4 #0) store save into buf->__fl stw 4, 448(3) #1) compare save with 0 cmpwi cr7, 4, 0 #2) if its 0, goto setjmp code beq- cr7, 1f #3) else: we must call pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0, (sigset_t *)buf->__ss); # store non-volatile regs 30, 31 into the setjmp buf stw 30, 0(3) stw 31, 4(3) # use them to store the pointer to the jmpbuf and the link reg mr 30, 3 mflr 31 # put pointer to ss buf into r5 (3rd arg) addi 5, 3, 452 # put "2" i.e. SIG_SETMASK in r3 li 3, 2 li 4, 0 bl pthread_sigmask #restore jmpbuf pointer and link reg mr 3, 30 mtlr 31 #resore non-volatile regs lwz 30, 0(3) lwz 31, 4(3) 1: b setjmp