0.5.0 - initial release 0.5.9 - signal ABI bugfix, various cleanup and fixes: sigset_t was wrongly defined as 1024 bytes instead of 1024 bits, breaking the intended ABI compatibility with the LSB/glibc sigaction structure. users should upgrade immediately and rebuild any libraries or object files that might be using the incorrect definitions. improved security against DoS with tcb shadow passwords by checking that the file opened was really an ordinary file. fixed a bug in the implementation of atomic ops that could have allowed the compiler to incorrectly reorder them (in practice, gcc with the default settings on i386 was not reordering them). greatly improved conformance to the C and POSIX standards regarding what the standard header files make visible. _POSIX_C_SOURCE is now needed to get POSIX functions in standard C headers, and _XOPEN_SOURCE or _GNU_SOURCE are required to get XSI interfaces or GNU extensions, respectively. many internal improvements have been made to the syscall-related code in preparation for porting to x86_64 and other archs. 0.6.0 - x86_64 port, various important bugs fixed new x86_64 (amd64) architecture port, contributed by Nicholas J. Kain, along with PORTING guide. source tree layout and build system have been improved to accommodate further ports. various bugs that were introduced while making the headers respect C and POSIX namespace standards have been fixed. conformance to the standards has been improved. fixed an inefficiency in qsort that triggered a bug (occasionaly internal compiler error) in some versions of gcc. fixed a major bug in the printf %n specifier that prevented it from working and caused memory corruption. 0.7.0 - major improvements to posix conformance and completeness implemented posix shared memory and semaphore interfaces. implemented all remaining required pthread and clock interfaces. major fixes to signal semantics. greatly improved temporary file name generation for safety against denial of service due to intentional name collisions. added syscall wrappers for the linux inotify interface. malloc(0) now returns a non-null pointer. fixed printf %n specifier (again), pthread_once (it was always hanging), and non-default-type mutex behavior. added ucontext/sigcontext support in headers to facilitate building libgcc with dwarf2 unwind support, and possibly other low-level tools. improved musl-gcc compiler wrapper. implemented many small missing functions here and there, minor header fixes, etc. 0.7.1 - improvements to completeness, bug fixes implemented flockfile, wprintf, and robust mutex functions. fixed stack corruption bug in times(), minor header bugs, and some error return value bugs in thread interfaces. 0.7.5 - new features, major optimization, and robustness implemented POSIX timers. optimized and simplified many thread-related functions. eliminated resource leak races in thread cancellation. overhauled stdio implementation to take advantage of readv/writev for reduced syscall load, and improved stdio's handling of error status. added syscall header and interface for applications to use and greatly simplified internal system for making syscalls. strangthened tmpnam/tempnam/tmpfile filename generation and made the straight C functions not depend on POSIX symbols.