path: root/include/tgmath.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/tgmath.h')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/tgmath.h b/include/tgmath.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52913913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tgmath.h
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+#ifndef _TGMATH_H
+#define _TGMATH_H
+the return types are only correct with gcc (__GNUC__)
+otherwise they are long double or long double complex
+the long double version of a function is never chosen when
+sizeof(double) == sizeof(long double)
+(but the return type is set correctly with gcc)
+#include <math.h>
+#include <complex.h>
+#define __IS_FP(x) !!((1?1:(x))/2)
+#define __IS_CX(x) (__IS_FP(x) && sizeof(x) == sizeof((x)+I))
+#define __IS_REAL(x) (__IS_FP(x) && 2*sizeof(x) == sizeof((x)+I))
+#define __FLT(x) (__IS_REAL(x) && sizeof(x) == sizeof(float))
+#define __LDBL(x) (__IS_REAL(x) && sizeof(x) == sizeof(long double) && sizeof(long double) != sizeof(double))
+#define __FLTCX(x) (__IS_CX(x) && sizeof(x) == sizeof(float complex))
+#define __DBLCX(x) (__IS_CX(x) && sizeof(x) == sizeof(double complex))
+#define __LDBLCX(x) (__IS_CX(x) && sizeof(x) == sizeof(long double complex) && sizeof(long double) != sizeof(double))
+/* return type */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+/* cast to double when x is integral, otherwise use typeof(x) */
+#define __RETCAST(x) (__typeof__(*( \
+ 0 ? (__typeof__(0 ? (double *)0 : (void *)__IS_FP(x)))0 : \
+ (__typeof__(0 ? (__typeof__(x) *)0 : (void *)!__IS_FP(x)))0 )))
+/* 2 args case, consider complex types (for cpow) */
+#define __RETCAST_2(x, y) (__typeof__(*( \
+ 0 ? (__typeof__(0 ? (double *)0 : \
+ (void *)!((!__IS_FP(x) || !__IS_FP(y)) && __FLT((x)+(y)+1.0f))))0 : \
+ 0 ? (__typeof__(0 ? (double complex *)0 : \
+ (void *)!((!__IS_FP(x) || !__IS_FP(y)) && __FLTCX((x)+(y)))))0 : \
+ (__typeof__(0 ? (__typeof__((x)+(y)) *)0 : \
+ (void *)((!__IS_FP(x) || !__IS_FP(y)) && (__FLT((x)+(y)+1.0f) || __FLTCX((x)+(y))))))0 )))
+/* 3 args case, don't consider complex types (fma only) */
+#define __RETCAST_3(x, y, z) (__typeof__(*( \
+ 0 ? (__typeof__(0 ? (double *)0 : \
+ (void *)!((!__IS_FP(x) || !__IS_FP(y) || !__IS_FP(z)) && __FLT((x)+(y)+(z)+1.0f))))0 : \
+ (__typeof__(0 ? (__typeof__((x)+(y)) *)0 : \
+ (void *)((!__IS_FP(x) || !__IS_FP(y) || !__IS_FP(z)) && __FLT((x)+(y)+(z)+1.0f))))0 )))
+/* drop complex from the type of x */
+#define __TO_REAL(x) *( \
+ 0 ? (__typeof__(0 ? (double *)0 : (void *)!__DBLCX(x)))0 : \
+ 0 ? (__typeof__(0 ? (float *)0 : (void *)!__FLTCX(x)))0 : \
+ 0 ? (__typeof__(0 ? (long double *)0 : (void *)!__LDBLCX(x)))0 : \
+ (__typeof__(0 ? (__typeof__(x) *)0 : (void *)__IS_CX(x)))0 )
+#define __RETCAST(x)
+#define __RETCAST_2(x, y)
+#define __RETCAST_3(x, y, z)
+/* function selection */
+#define __tg_real(fun, x) (__RETCAST(x)( \
+ __FLT(x) ? fun ## f (x) : \
+ __LDBL(x) ? fun ## l (x) : \
+ fun(x) ))
+#define __tg_real_2_1(fun, x, y) (__RETCAST(x)( \
+ __FLT(x) ? fun ## f (x, y) : \
+ __LDBL(x) ? fun ## l (x, y) : \
+ fun(x, y) ))
+#define __tg_real_2(fun, x, y) (__RETCAST_2(x, y)( \
+ __FLT(x) && __FLT(y) ? fun ## f (x, y) : \
+ __LDBL((x)+(y)) ? fun ## l (x, y) : \
+ fun(x, y) ))
+#define __tg_complex(fun, x) (__RETCAST((x)+I)( \
+ __FLTCX((x)+I) && __IS_FP(x) ? fun ## f (x) : \
+ __LDBLCX((x)+I) ? fun ## l (x) : \
+ fun(x) ))
+#define __tg_complex_retreal(fun, x) (__RETCAST(__TO_REAL(x))( \
+ __FLTCX((x)+I) && __IS_FP(x) ? fun ## f (x) : \
+ __LDBLCX((x)+I) ? fun ## l (x) : \
+ fun(x) ))
+#define __tg_real_complex(fun, x) (__RETCAST(x)( \
+ __FLTCX(x) ? c ## fun ## f (x) : \
+ __DBLCX(x) ? c ## fun (x) : \
+ __LDBLCX(x) ? c ## fun ## l (x) : \
+ __FLT(x) ? fun ## f (x) : \
+ __LDBL(x) ? fun ## l (x) : \
+ fun(x) ))
+/* special cases */
+#define __tg_real_remquo(x, y, z) (__RETCAST_2(x, y)( \
+ __FLT(x) && __FLT(y) ? remquof(x, y, z) : \
+ __LDBL((x)+(y)) ? remquol(x, y, z) : \
+ remquo(x, y, z) ))
+#define __tg_real_fma(x, y, z) (__RETCAST_3(x, y, z)( \
+ __FLT(x) && __FLT(y) && __FLT(z) ? fmaf(x, y, z) : \
+ __LDBL((x)+(y)+(z)) ? fmal(x, y, z) : \
+ fma(x, y, z) ))
+#define __tg_real_complex_pow(x, y) (__RETCAST_2(x, y)( \
+ __FLTCX((x)+(y)) && __IS_FP(x) && __IS_FP(y) ? cpowf(x, y) : \
+ __FLTCX((x)+(y)) ? cpow(x, y) : \
+ __DBLCX((x)+(y)) ? cpow(x, y) : \
+ __LDBLCX((x)+(y)) ? cpowl(x, y) : \
+ __FLT(x) && __FLT(y) ? powf(x, y) : \
+ __LDBL((x)+(y)) ? powl(x, y) : \
+ pow(x, y) ))
+#define __tg_real_complex_fabs(x) (__RETCAST(__TO_REAL(x))( \
+ __FLTCX(x) ? cabsf(x) : \
+ __DBLCX(x) ? cabs(x) : \
+ __LDBLCX(x) ? cabsl(x) : \
+ __FLT(x) ? fabsf(x) : \
+ __LDBL(x) ? fabsl(x) : \
+ fabs(x) ))
+/* tg functions */
+#define acos(x) __tg_real_complex(acos, (x))
+#define acosh(x) __tg_real_complex(acosh, (x))
+#define asin(x) __tg_real_complex(asin, (x))
+#define asinh(x) __tg_real_complex(asinh, (x))
+#define atan(x) __tg_real_complex(atan, (x))
+#define atan2(x,y) __tg_real_2(atan2, (x), (y))
+#define atanh(x) __tg_real_complex(atanh, (x))
+#define carg(x) __tg_complex_retreal(carg, (x))
+#define cbrt(x) __tg_real(cbrt, (x))
+#define ceil(x) __tg_real(ceil, (x))
+#define cimag(x) __tg_complex_retreal(cimag, (x))
+#define conj(x) __tg_complex(conj, (x))
+#define copysign(x,y) __tg_real_2(copysign, (x), (y))
+#define cos(x) __tg_real_complex(cos, (x))
+#define cosh(x) __tg_real_complex(cosh, (x))
+#define cproj(x) __tg_complex(cproj, (x))
+#define creal(x) __tg_complex_retreal(creal, (x))
+#define erf(x) __tg_real(erf, (x))
+#define erfc(x) __tg_real(erfc, (x))
+#define exp(x) __tg_real_complex(exp, (x))
+#define exp2(x) __tg_real(exp2, (x))
+#define expm1(x) __tg_real(expm1, (x))
+#define fabs(x) __tg_real_complex_fabs(x)
+#define fdim(x,y) __tg_real_2(fdim, (x), (y))
+#define floor(x) __tg_real(floor, (x))
+#define fma(x,y,z) __tg_real_fma((x), (y), (z))
+#define fmax(x,y) __tg_real_2(fmax, (x), (y))
+#define fmin(x,y) __tg_real_2(fmin, (x), (y))
+#define fmod(x,y) __tg_real_2(fmod, (x), (y))
+#define frexp(x,y) __tg_real_2_1(frexp, (x), (y))
+#define hypot(x,y) __tg_real_2(hypot, (x), (y))
+#define ilogb(x) __tg_real(ilogb, (x))
+#define ldexp(x,y) __tg_real_2_1(ldexp, (x), (y))
+#define lgamma(x) __tg_real(lgamma, (x))
+#define llrint(x) __tg_real(llrint, (x))
+#define llround(x) __tg_real(llround, (x))
+#define log(x) __tg_real_complex(log, (x))
+#define log10(x) __tg_real(log10, (x))
+#define log1p(x) __tg_real(log1p, (x))
+#define log2(x) __tg_real(log2, (x))
+#define logb(x) __tg_real(logb, (x))
+#define lrint(x) __tg_real(lrint, (x))
+#define lround(x) __tg_real(lround, (x))
+#define nearbyint(x) __tg_real(nearbyint, (x))
+#define nextafter(x,y) __tg_real_2(nextafter, (x), (y)
+#define nexttoward(x,y) __tg_real_2(nexttoward, (x), (y))
+#define pow(x,y) __tg_real_complex_pow((x), (y))
+#define remainder(x,y) __tg_real_2(remainder, (x), (y))
+#define remquo(x,y,z) __tg_real_remquo((x), (y), (z))
+#define rint(x) __tg_real(rint, (x))
+#define round(x) __tg_real(round, (x))
+#define scalbln(x,y) __tg_real_2_1(scalbln, (x), (y))
+#define scalbn(x,y) __tg_real_2_1(scalbn, (x), (y))
+#define sin(x) __tg_real_complex(sin, (x))
+#define sinh(x) __tg_real_complex(sinh, (x))
+#define sqrt(x) __tg_real_complex(sqrt, (x))
+#define tan(x) __tg_real_complex(tan, (x))
+#define tanh(x) __tg_real_complex(tanh, (x))
+#define tgamma(x) __tg_real(tgamma, (x))
+#define trunc(x) __tg_real(trunc, (x))